Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara Dengan SADARI Di SMK Negeri 17 Samarinda

Early Detection of Breast Cancer with BSE at SMK Negeri 17 Samarinda


  • Tuti Meihartati ITKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda
  • Sumiati Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan ITKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda
  • Risnawati Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan ITKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda
  • Aulia Sari Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan ITKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda
  • Delima Mayang Lestari Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan ITKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda
  • Panisa Puran Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan ITKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda


Early Detection, Breast Cancer, SADARI


Community service is carried out through a health promotion course at SMK Negeri
This community service aims to increase awareness and knowledge about early
detection of breast cancer through the breast self-examination method (SADARI) at
SMK Negeri 17 Samarinda. Breast cancer is one of the diseases with the highest
mortality rate among women, so early detection is very important to increase the
chances of recovery. This activity includes counseling and practical training on
SADARI to students at SMK Negeri 17. The methods used are interactive lectures,
demonstrations, and discussions to provide a better understanding of the importance
of early detection of breast cancer. Evaluation was conducted through pre-test and
post-test to measure changes in participants' knowledge before and after the activity.
The results of the activity showed a significant increase in students' knowledge of
breast cancer and the SADARI procedure as evidenced by the students' active
participation during the practical sessions as well as their enthusiasm for the
importance of early detection. Thus, this community service recommends that similar
activities be implemented in a sustainable manner and made part of the health
education curriculum in schools, to support breast cancer early detection efforts
among adolescents


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How to Cite

Meihartati, T., Sumiati, Risnawati, Sari, A., Lestari, D. M., & Puran, P. (2025). Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara Dengan SADARI Di SMK Negeri 17 Samarinda: Early Detection of Breast Cancer with BSE at SMK Negeri 17 Samarinda. Abdimas Medika, 4(1), 55–59. Retrieved from