Indonesian Journal of Wiyata Health Administration (IJWHA) <p>is a forum for publishing scientific papers formed by the ITKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda Health Administration Study Program. &nbsp;Indonesian Journal of Wiyata Health Administration (IJWHA) will be consistently published in June and December, in order to be a reference for strengthening the quality of the health system in Indonesia. IJWHA accepts scientific papers for the following fields of health studies such as Health Administration, Health Management &amp; Organization, Health Policy, Health Innovation &amp; Technology, Health Information Management, Health Law, Health Insurance</p> en-US (Muhammad Rafli Aidillah) (Muhammad Rafli Aidillah) Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 The Influence of Nurses Therapeutic Communication in the Dimensions of Positive and Supportive Attitudes on Patient Satisfaction in the Inpatient Unit of Massenrempulu General Hospital, Enrekang Regency <p>Communication plays a very important role in carrying out administrative processes and interactions between elements in a group or organization. Communication is a form of conveying messages between two or more people which are processed from the communicator or message giver to the communicant or message recipient with a specific service goal. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of The Influence of Nurses' Therapeutic Communication in the Dimensions of Positive Attitudes and Supportive Attitudes on Patient Satisfaction in the Inpatient Installation of Massenrempulu General Hospital, Enrekang Regency. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of nurse therapy communication dimensions of positive attitudes and supportive attitudes on patient satisfaction in the inpatient installation of Massenrempulu Hospital, Enrekang Regency. The type of research used is quantitative research with a cross sectional study approach. The population in this study was 75 patients. The data analysis method uses univariate and bivariate tests with the chi-square correlation test. This research shows There is an influence of positive attitude dimensions and nurses' supportive attitude dimensions on patient satisfaction in the Massenrempulu General Hospital Inpatient Installation, Enrekang Regency.</p> Indri Primadianty, Ince Annisah Adawiyah Arifin, Syamsinar Jamal Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Wiyata Health Administration (IJWHA) Tue, 06 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of Dental Poly Patients' Satisfaction with Service Quality at Kampala Public Health Centre Sinjai Regency <p><em>The problem of dissatisfaction felt by patients often occurs in health service organizations, especially in community health centers. </em><em>Public Health Center </em><em>is the main level of service in the community. Kampala Health Center is the health center with the highest number of patient visits in 2022. There are complaints from patients regarding the services experienced at the Kampala Health Center dental clinic regarding service facilities, so researchers are interested in conducting research related to service quality on general patient satisfaction at the Kampala </em><em>Public </em><em>Health Center dental clinic. This study aims to determine the effect of service quality on general patient satisfaction at the Kampala </em><em>Public</em><em> Health Center dental clini</em><em>c. </em><em>This type of quantitative descriptive research with a research design using a cross sectional approach. The number of samples taken was 54 respondents using the purposive sampling method. Data collection uses a questionnaire. Data analysis uses univariate, bivariate, multivariate analysis or multiple linear regression. The results of simultaneous testing or F test showed that the significance value was 0.000, the coefficient of determination R2 was 0.681, and the t test or partial measurement obtained a calculated t value of reliability of 0.543, responsiveness of 2.454, assurance of -2.261, empathy of 0.967, and tangibility of 3.060. There is an Influence of Service Quality on General Patient Satisfaction at the Kampala </em><em>Public </em><em>Health Center Dental Clinic</em></p> Mutmainnah, Irmina Adi Ringrih, Ince Annisah Adawiyah Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Wiyata Health Administration (IJWHA) Tue, 06 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Relationship Of Self Efficacy With The Implementation Of Clean And Healthy Living Behavior (CHLB) In Households In Tallo Village, Makassar City <p>What individuals must have to be able to implement clean and healthy living behavior (CHLB) is self-efficacy, without self-efficacy their motivation to change will be hampered, individuals who have high self-efficacy tend to have healthier behavior. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and the implementation of clean and healthy living behavior (CHLB) in households in Tallo Village, Makassar City. The type of research used is quantitative research with a cross sectional study approach. The population in this study was all 370 households in RW 4, Tallo Village, Makassar City. The data analysis method uses univariate and bivariate tests with the chi-square correlation test.This research shows that self-efficacy is not very related to a person's desire to adopt clean and healthy living behavior. This means that someone who has high self-efficacy does not necessarily want to adopt clean and healthy living behavior.</p> Syamsinar Jamal, Indri Primadianty, Ince Annisah Adawiyah Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Wiyata Health Administration (IJWHA) Tue, 06 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Drug Logistics Management in The Pharmaceutical Service Unit of The Pangkep District Health Service <p>The Pharmaceutical Services Unit is responsible for managing health supplies which includes planning, procurement, storage and distribution of drug logistics. This research aims to obtain an overview of drug logistics management in the Pharmaceutical Services Unit of the Pangkep District Health Service. This study uses a qualitative method with an inductive approach. The research subjects were divided into key informants, namely the head of the pharmaceutical installation and ordinary informants, namely employees of the pharmaceutical service unit. The management of drug logistics carried out by the service unit forming the Pangkep District Health Service is not optimal because the planning for drug needs is only based on the consumption method, namely planning drug needs based on data on drug needs at each Puskesmas in the previous year and is not optimal in providing drug storage space due to the narrow storage warehouse. The management of drug logistics carried out by the pharmaceutical service unit of the Pangkep District Health Service has not been optimal in the areas of planning drug needs and drug storage.</p> Ince Annisah Adawiyah Arifin, Syamsinar Jamal, Mutmainnah Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Wiyata Health Administration (IJWHA) Tue, 06 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Resource Aspects in The Successful Implementation of Community Health Centers Accreditation Policy in Makassar City <p>Accreditation of community health centers is a strategy of the Ministry of Health aims to equalize access and quality of health services, especially in community health centers. The aim of this research is to analyze communication aspects in the implementation of public health center accreditation policies in Makassar. This research uses a descriptive exploratory analysis method with a qualitative approach by means of observation, in-depth interviews and literature studies with all research informants. The variable in the research is communication where communication includes transmission, clarity and consistency. The results of the research show that the resources in the successful implementation of the public health center accreditation policy in Makassar City can be concluded that human resources have met the staffing standards based on Minister of Health Regulation 43 of 2019 for both inpatient and non-inpatient community health centers, however there are several officers who have a workload which is excessive. Facilities and infrastructure at community health centers are adequate and around 60–80% are available, however there are community health centers whose buildings are damaged and need repair, as well as community health center buildings that do not meet the standards of Minister of Health Regulation 43 of 2019. It is hoped that there will be an equal distribution of duties and responsibilities by the leadership to each officer/staff. For infrastructure, it is hoped that more attention will be paid to the completeness of supporting facilities such as the provision of wastewater treatment plants and buildings that comply with regulations.</p> Irmina Adi Ringrih, Mutmainnah, Ince Annisah Adawiyah Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Wiyata Health Administration (IJWHA) Tue, 06 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Strategies for Overcoming Challenges and Taking Advantage of Opportunities in Transformational Leadership <p>This article aims to describe the concept of transformative leadership in organizations or companies. This article uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a library research method. The results of this article generally explain transformational leadership, including the definition, principles, styles, various factors, characteristics, steps, advantages, and disadvantages of transformational leadership. The conclusion obtained in this article is that leadership with a new approach is an inevitable need when facing the demands of fast-paced times. One of them is the need for a transformative leadership model that can develop the potential of oneself and subordinates innovatively, empower staff and organizations with changes in thinking, develop vision, understanding, and comprehension of organizational goals, and bring the organization towards sustainable change</p> Dwi Ida Dwi Ida Puspita sari, Muhammad Rafli Aidillah; Muhammad Henry Gunawan Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Wiyata Health Administration (IJWHA) Tue, 06 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000